

Time measurement

  1. deactivate the next follow (if it is not the last counter of the group);
  2. tap the time button and set the time to zero;
  3. touch the start / stop button on the side to start the counter;
  4. at the end touch the time button, in the center, to stop the counter;
  5. you can further adapt the time using the selection rotators;
  6. you can set a periodic warning or before the deadline.

Time control

  1. touch the start / stop button on the side to start the counter;
  2. if a warning is set, periodically and before the deadline, the vibration and a sound will be activated at the requested time;
  3. at the end of the time the vibration and a sound will be activated, different from the warning sound of point 2;

Voice commands

By saying the name, the relative time counter will be started or stopped. The best results are obtained having registered the name through the voice recognition of the device.

The function can be checked in the device settings.


The font size follows the settings of the iPhone Settings/General/Accessibility/Larger text, with the iPhone in portrait orientation and the larger characters each counter is described on two lines: the first with name and 'follow', the second with time and 'start/stop'.


The "ⓘ" button, at the top right, highlights a help page.

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